Friday 5 December 2014

Latest Painting

This painting of my Grandad's fob watches doesn't really suit the gallery where I usually exhibit, but I really wanted to paint them. He was a Railway Guard on British Rail

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Brittany's Beached Boats

In the late Summer, we had a wonderful three weeks in that glorious weather that would have made any holiday perfect. We thought we would try to see the quite a bit of the interior of France instead of just the coast. So we bought a Vauxhall Vivaro that already had a folding bed in the back. We added our alcohol cooker and potta potti from Strix and we were away. We went across on the Plymouth to Roscoff ferry. 
We went as far East as the Loire Valley at Saumur and as far South as Rochefort. Ile de Re was a wonderful place and if we won the lottery we might stay there quite a while.
Brittany is the best place for beached wrecks, which I love to paint, and for boats in general. 
Duoarenez maritime museum was worth visiting. 
Cameret has always been a favourite spot, it was our first stop crossing the Channel in our own boats. The fishing boats slowly decaying in Cameret's harbour are lovely subjects. The fisherman's chapel is one of best churches I've been in, with it's calm atmosphere, model ships and other votives.
I'll be taking these paintings to Waterside Gallery on St Mawes at the weekend.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Summer Sailing

I've named this post Summer Sailing, but it would be more truthful to say Summer Lazing. We have spent more time at anchor just relaxing in the cockpit enjoying this fantastic weather. Cornwall has no equal when the sun shines. I have managed to quite a few paintings, so I haven't been too laid back.

I did these sketches to illustrate reflection (top) and shadow (bottom)

Just got an e-mail from James at Waterside Gallery St.Mawes to say that he has sold a triptych of
 coast walk views and the painting of a crab fisherman in Porthleven that featured in an earlier blog.